
Make your non-rooted Samsung Galaxy Star 'faster'

rooted galaxy star

Make your non-rooted Samsung Galaxy Star 'faster'
Well, our Samsung Galaxy Star is a low end phone, initially it runs well (as it seems ) but eventually android experience becomes AWFUL. Like the phone app takes about 5-10s time to open, and then after calling it takes 4-5s to initiate the call, which is really annoying. It falters even in the basic functionalities of a phone. So things need to be faster.

Rooting is always an option, but why not make it with Google's way

Following Steps/Suggestions should do the job -
  1. Try disabling some default apps like Google Play Music, Play Movies, Play Books, Play Games (if on a newer firmware), Samsung Apps, Samsung account etc. But do not disable basic apps (although you wont be able to disable some).
  2. Do not clear memory from the task manager, if done so, things might slow up. (I eventually forgot the presence of such app :P).
  3. It is not recommended to use task killer type apps.
  4. If you wish to use antivirus, use TrustGo, its a memory efficeient and a good antivirus.
  5. It is not recommended to use the Facebook app (although the latest one is quite good). Use the messenger instead.
  6. Keep only apps that are necessary. Do not keep useless app or remove such apps if it becomes useless from time to time.
  7. Avoid keeping too many widgets in the Homescreen

Result -
  • Smoother and quite lag free User Interface
  • You will be less annoyed
  • Games will be more smoother (Example - Temple Run 2 lags a lot when run in normal set up, but after optimizing the phone with respect to this post, it was almost lag free and huge scores can be easily made. Same goes for FIFA 14).

Q. Too many sacrifices? Why?
Ans. Don't forget you are using a low end android. Want better performance without such sacrifices, spend more bucks and get a better android or root your phone

If I have helped, please give vote of thanks

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